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Driving Customer Satisfaction In 3 Simple Indicators - The Fast Feedback
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Driving Customer Satisfaction In 3 Simple Indicators

What Is Client Satisfaction?

Customer satisfaction is generally seen as the mainstay of loyalty. It can be measured in two ways.

  • First in qualitative mode, with a customer testimonial for example. This type of verbatim (commentary) is particularly valuable, especially if it is accurate. A simple “it was great” is fun, but not worth much to you as an entrepreneur and therefore as a strategist. What for? Because it doesn’t give points to improve, or even tells you what was perfect.
  • That is why we supplement the quality by quantitative, i.e. statistics. This will be arating system, and a survey sent to all customers after their purchase, for example.

We will focus on this second aspect: how is this actually happening? What indicators are used? Which ones should you look at first?

Measuring Customer Satisfaction, Which Indicators?

Most companies measure customer satisfaction through satisfaction surveys and then accurate analysis of the data collected.

The Top 3 Indicators

  • The CSAT (Customer Satisfaction Score), you’re going totell me that you’ve never heard this acronym. That’s normal. On the other hand, you have inevitably already seen a question in some stores (“have you been satisfied?”), followed by more or less smiling smileys. The CSAT is simply that.
  • The CES (Customer Effort Score), the same thing, is quite barbaric at first glance. This time it is a question of determining whether the customer has been satisfied, but according to his expectations. And more specifically, depending on the effort he had to put in to get his good/service. The scale ranges from 1 (low effort) to 5 (for a high effort). It is often materialized into stars
  • The NPS (Net Promoter Score). I Feedback Now has concocted a complete article on this benchmark. It’s our favorite one, because it’s synthetic. It includes two simple questions: 1. How likely is it that you will recommend this product or service to a friend or relative? (the famous score between 0 and 10); 2. Why, or why not?

These three indicators make you want to be on paper, but how do you use them “in real life”? Most customer satisfaction management software has a dashboard.

How do I build an effective dashboard?

dashboard measuring customer satisfaction

Below is an example of an effective dashboard layout. You can of course organize it as you like on the software I Feedback Now.

  • Above, we have the NPS in the form of stars, which is the central indicator.
  • Then, the total of SMS and Mails sent during the campaign, for 8075 reviews received, which gives an idea of the response rate.
  • The stick graph is rather telling, it shows the distribution of the ratings expressed (NPS, from 1 to 5).
dashboard measuring customer satisfaction
  • Similarly, the second part of the table is very visual, for a quick understanding of the data. The number of opinions is put into context: is it more or less than the previous month? The same goes for the level of satisfaction (colors).
  • The level of satisfaction is analyzed by themes, to know exactly where the faults are (spider web graph).
  • Finally, it is now important to go beyond these indicators measuring the expression of satisfaction itself, to also include indicators on the number of actions taken, outstanding, closed following the responses of customers… this approach propels action beyond the measure itself!

Treating all of this data is essential to growing your business, and the number of satisfied customers! So don’t wait! Contact us to set up your indicators;-)