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Getting more leads simply through customer reviews - The Fast Feedback
Client reviews

Getting more leads simply through customer reviews

Customer reviews are a great asset to improve the reputation of your company, the quality of your products, and thus get maximum leads. I Feedback Now offers you an innovative service to accompany you in this process!

Step 1: Getting reviews

With I Feedback Now, the collection of customer reviews is done:

  1. by SMS
  2. by email

In both cases, the client has an ergonomic interface. And, we adapt the design of this interface according to your graphic chart.

3. OR, thanks to our range of interactive kiosks to discover here!

Step 2: Analyze the opinions collected and take action

I Feedback Now allows managers and managers to exchange and exploit customer reviews through a powerful and fully customizable back office.


This dashboard allows you to:

  1. see the results of your satisfaction surveys
  2. to respond to your customers
  3. to assign corrective actions through a company official. Example: A customer notes that there is no more hot chocolate in the coffee machine in the lobby. Our artificial intelligence detects the problem and assigns the task to the person in charge (here, a technician).
  4. to schedule actions: recall a very dissatisfied customer, for example.

Most importantly, you have a global view of the results of your survey, in the form of clear and readable graphs and infographics.

Step 3: Communicating and attracting leads

After setting up good practices and studying the results of your satisfaction survey, it’s time to think about marketing and communication. This is, thanks to the software I Feedback Now:

  1. to post the best reviews on your Facebook or Twitter page and thus acquire leads
  2. to generate demand on your website through a widget I Feedback Now (shows the rating with stars)
  3. to offer your customers easy feedback on their own networks.

The result? An optimized offer, more and more satisfied customers, and an audience growing!

So, going for the adventure? Build reliable leads now and easily by contacting us for a demo!