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SNCF - French Railway company - uses feedback to improve best clients' satisfaction - The Fast Feedback
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SNCF – French Railway company – uses feedback to improve best clients’ satisfaction

SNCF – French Railway company – uses feedback to improve best clients’ satisfaction” use_theme_fonts=”yes”][vc_column_text]Our historical customer SNCF is trusting us since 2013.

i Feed Back Now Solution is being used in all SNCF “Grands Voyageurs” lounges dedicated to Gold frequent travelers customers across France .

Thanks to their continous improvement of the welcome and comfort service levels, SNCF is obtaining untapped satisfaction levels.


Optimised user experience, continuous offerings’ improvement  thanks to their customer voice, are the benefits for SNCF ;

Fmore than 4 years, iFeed BackNow solution as been boosting Frequent travellers  satisfaction.

SNCF customer centric approach is leveraged by our solutions as to collect customers’ feedbacks and as to communicate with customers. Thus SNCF is able to pro actively answer to its customers’ expectations

Services offerings and users’ experience services levels improvement in the lounges is based upon customers feedback :  Lounges’ Furnishings and settings have been optimized to match frequent travelers’ expectations , a high quality coffee machine replaced the old one… All these changes due to the recurring collected customers’ feedback.

On a weekly basis an SNCF executive meeting is reviewing customers’ feedback and evaluations as to identify offering and customer satisfaction improvement strategies globally, by topics, by geographical region as to develop the relevant operational actions plans.

More importantly The machine learning AI technology imbedded in i FeedBack Now Solution assign task to suppliers, service providers, staff members automatically based on customers feedback or wishes ![