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Fitness Park trusts iFeedBack Now solutions to collect customers’ feedbacks realtime - The Fast Feedback
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Fitness Park trusts iFeedBack Now solutions to collect customers’ feedbacks realtime

[vc_custom_heading text=”Fitness Park trusts iFeedBack Now solutions to collect customers’ feedbacks realtime” use_theme_fonts=”yes”][vc_column_text el_class=”justify_text”]After a few years of usage of i Feed Back Now solutions, Fitness Park says our services are drastically improving their customers’ loyalty.

Some examples….

Giving their own feedback on our i FeedBack Now interactive Kiosks is now a daily routine for most Fitness Park customers. After exercising, most customers rate the fitness park quality and give comments, as those customers understand that their comments will be taken into account. Indeed, instantly, customers feedbacks are being seen on a global management platform. Then, improvement actions as to increase customers’ satisfaction are launched.

In addition, by answering to customers’ feedbacks, Fitness Park teams improve customer relationship and loyalty.

They also may insert special rewarding/thanking links like, « call to action » in the answers they deliver to their customers, such as « join us on our FaceBook page », «  invite your friends and get a special offering/discount »… Finally, Fitness Park teams publish the best customer feedbacks on social networks and on their website through a “recommandation widget”.