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BearingPoint Article About The 15th Edition Of Customer Relation Contest 2019 - The Fast Feedback

BearingPoint Article About The 15th Edition Of Customer Relation Contest 2019

The Customer Relation Ranking rewards every year the best practices of several sectors and has been revealing clients’ expectations for 15 years.

In the Car dealership sector, we have two constructors reaching the podium, and the winners are…

BMW, second.

Toyota, in third position.

They thus demonstrate their knowledge and expertise in three different fields :

  • Task Execution
  • Client Relationship
  • Emotions Management

BMW, already nominated in 2006, narrowly beats Toyota (winner in 2018). BMW has seduced its customers by its ability to build trust, loyalty, and to make them feel unique and at home. Moreover, BMW has focused on the surprise effect to conquer clients.

Toyota has had growing results, but losts its place on the podium.

BMW also prioritize the exploitation of digital innovations, especially inside its car dealership centers. Those allow staff to interact easily with clients, and to optimize customer path.

The set-up of a satisfaction barometer to quantify clients’ satisfaction – as the I Feedback Now solution – is the best way for car dealers to collect client feedback. Why ?

  • It allows them to be notified whenever they receive a bad review
  • They can share the best ones on social media
  • They can take action, and automatically schedule them thanks to AI.

The era of basic satisfaction surveys is over, now AI can help you transform your activity by listening to client voice.